SOAR is a service of the Rutgers University Libraries dedicated to showcasing and providing free and open access to the research and creative scholarship of the University. Library staff work with university departments, research centers, and individual faculty to archive their scholarly works, ensure compliance with grant funding requirements, and fulfill the mandate of the Rutgers University Open Access Policy. Rutgers faculty and researchers are invited to deposit their completed scholarship in SOAR for long-term public access and preservation. Archiving content in SOAR is free and permitted by most academic publishers.
Types of content archived in SOAR include, but are not limited to:
- Journal articles (pre- and post-print)
- Conference papers and proceedings
- Book chapters
- Theses and dissertations
- Reviews
- Presentations
- Patents
- Technical reports
- Datasets
- Creative works
Depositing your work in SOAR:
- Makes it openly accessible to researchers and scholars around the world
- Increases its visibility, use, and impact
- Allows it to be discoverable by search engines such as Google and Google Scholar
- Preserves it on a secure server with a persistent URL to ensure permanent access
- Helps fulfill funder and institutional mandates regarding open access
For more information, see How to Deposit Your Work.