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Frequently Asked Questions: Searching the Repository

What kinds of resources can be found in SOAR?

SOAR provides access to scholarly works produced by Rutgers researchers, including articles, conference papers, book chapters, reviews, presentations, and technical reports.

How do I search SOAR?

To search SOAR, enter your keywords in the search box at the top of the page or click Search the Repository.

How do I refine my research results?

After performing a search in SOAR, use the filters on the left to narrow your search results by subject, resource type, author, or date

How do find research outputs produced by a particular academic department or unit?

To find all research outputs produced by a particular department, click Browse Research Units and select the unit from the organization tree.

Why is access to certain files in SOAR restricted?

Some files may be restricted due to an embargo (a temporary period set by the publisher or author whereby an article may not be made publicly accessible). If you have questions or would like to request access to a restricted file, please contact us.

How do I export records from SOAR to a citation manager?

To export a record to a citation manager, select one of the export options from the "Share" menu such as RefWorks or EndNote Web. If you use another citation manager such as Zotero or Mendeley, select "Export RIS". RIS is a standard citation format that can be imported into any citation manager.

Is SOAR accessible to users with disabilities?

SOAR provides access to a wide range of research outputs in various formats. While we strive to ensure these materials are accessible to users of all abilities, you may find some formatted in ways that make them difficult to use with adaptive or assistive technology such as screen readers and closed captioning. If, due to vision or hearing impairment, you require an item from SOAR in a format other than the one that is available, please contact us.

How do I report an error?

To report an error or technical problem with SOAR, please contact us.